Lee Jacobs’ Career
Follow the path that Lee Jacobs has taken in order to become who he is today.

The University of Pennsylvania,
Lee Jacobs graduated from the prestigious University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s degree of Sociology.
Campus Dock
Lee Jacobs was a Co-Founder of Campusdock.com which was an online marketplace created for students.

Aug 2008 – Aug 2010
Sr. Product Manager
When Comcast acquired Plaxo, Lee assisted on the business strategy and on multiple social media projects.
Oct 2010 – 2013
Founder and CEO
Lee Jacobs was a founder of Colingo and oversaw the business, marketing, and the strategy. Colingo provided an English education to those around the world who did not have access to it.

MHS Capital
Sept. 2014 – June 2015
Lee Jacobs worked as an investor at MHS Capital, where they invested in companies like Thumback, Opower, Outreach, and Udemy.
Dec 2013 – Present
Partner Sept. 2015 – Present
Lee Jacobs was an Advisor at AngelList, before he became Partner. AngelList is an online platform geared to help startups around the world find funding, and Angels.

Founder and Managing Partner
Sept 2015 – Present
Lee Jacobs is a Founder and Partner at EdelWeiss, a firm of Angels that are intent on helping companies succeed.
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